
Monday, December 9, 2013

A Psalm: Our Million Pieces

Our hearts are in a million pieces
Most of which no one will ever know.
But you, O LORD, you see each piece -
You pick up every
and you look.
You look at each piece so closely:
Where is there hurt, that I may heal it?
Where is there strength that I may draw it out?
Where is there love that I may encourage it to grow?


Our hearts are in a million pieces
Most of which no one will ever know.
But you, O LORD, you see each piece -
You pick up every
no matter the color or the shape or the sharpness of its edges.
You are not wounded by our
angry words or
careless questions or that
sometimes we can't do more.


Our hearts are in a million pieces
Most of which no one will ever know.
But you, O LORD, you see each piece -
You pick up every
Even as you look,
You love.
Even as we weep over our million pieces,
You love.

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