
Friday, November 8, 2013

What Happens When You Just Don't Pay Attention

Hey, guess what, everyone?


And also - you have to pay attention.

Because when you don't pay attention, you go to take your medication one evening and realize the bottle is empty.

So then you go to get the new bottle from the cabinet and realize - wait.a.minute! - this bottle isn't my diabetes medication, it's another medication, one that the mail-order pharmacy has helpfully sent you automatically.

So then you begin to freak out a bit because you realize it's 11pm on a FRIDAY NIGHT and your doctor doesn't have Saturday office hours.

So then you begin to wonder - Should I just not medicate all weekend? Should I take one of my older meds that I'm no longer on, just for the weekend? Should I visit an urgent care clinic in the morning and get a temporary script?

So then you call the answering service of your doctor and feel like That Patient as you explain to the dude what is going on, and he gets a condescending tone with you as he explains that he'll actually CALL YOUR DOCTOR at EIGHT O'CLOCK ON A SATURDAY MORNING just so that you can get a damn refill.

All because I wasn't paying attention.

To my doctor and to doctors everywhere, I am sorry to be That Patient this weekend. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. This is not a good excuse, but I realized tonight that I'm still new at this. Maybe being without my medication is no big deal for two-and-a-half days, but it feels like a big deal, so maybe that makes it a big deal. Or at least a not-very-small deal.

And so, just when I've settled into a rhythm with this damn disease, and feel like I'm actually perking along just fine, I realize that - nope! Not that easy! If I'm going to manage this right, I'm going to have to pay attention.


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